Better REDD than Dead: Biodiversity in the Climate Regime

The body of international environmental law receiving the most attention recently is plai

As climate change progresses, however, maintenance of

Since 2005, however, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change have recognized the possibility of creating some form of economically valuable credit for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD). Indeed, since the 2007 COP meeting in Bali, it has become increasingly likely that some form of REDD credit will be created. The target date for agreement on this and many other elements of the climate change regime is December 2009 when the COP meets in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Will REDD offer a means of securing biodiversity protection? It could. Tropical forests are among th

But even if the financial incentives are aligned to make REDD successful, will it protect high-biodiversity forests? Not necessarily. Protection solely for avoiding carbon dioxide emissions does not naturally equate to protection of the most significant biodiversity habitats. It could even increase the pressure on such forests by taking other areas off the table of options for, inter alia, global agricultural production. If all that REDD does is to create value for the carbon stored in trees, this "leakage" concern may make no more valuable a mechanism than the current CBD processes.

Is there a way around this problem – a way to make REDD a tool for biodiversity protection? I think there is. The keys lie in program design. This is an argument that I recently spelled out during a presentation at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. Although the issue is complex, the essence of the solution lies in purposefully designing the regime in a way that makes biodiversity a priority for REDD. In financial terms, this means creating some form of additional value – whether for investors or for tropical forest owners – in the REDD credits generated by high biodiversity forests. As I will elaborate in the near future, articulating a biodiversity element to REDD is not only legitimate under a regime aimed at addressing climate change, it is a virtual necessity. It provides both climate and biodiversity benefit while aliviating some of the ills born of fragmentation in our international legal regimes addressing environmental issues.
Climate change law is about more than reducing emissions. As important as the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is, an exclusive focus on that concern is myopic. Even under the best of scenarios, we will have to adapt to changes in the global climate for decades to come. That change threatens to dramatically increase the rate of biodiversity loss. Yet, the presence of rich biological diversity, as well as the intact habitats necessary for its maintenance, offers one of our best insurance policies against suffering negative impacts of that change. One way or another, it is high time we recognize the value of that insurance – for climate change events and other forms of environmental impact. REDD is the best bet among the options currently on the table for international negotiations . . . if it is structured appropriately. Those concerned with biodiversity preservation should, therefore, work vigorously over the next few months to develop and advance a framework for REDD that will realize its potential benefits for our rich biological legacy, and eliminate the risk that REDD will become but another fragmented and partially counterproductive element of a well-intentioned and incompletely-realized effort to bring about international legal consensus that actually betters the state of our fragile planet.

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