Withdrawing the WOPR

The WOPR was adopted by the Bush administration in late 2008 to dramatically increase the amount of logging that would be allowed under the Northwest Forest Plan. The Northwest Forest Plan grew out of the extraordinarily contentious spotted owl controversy during the Clinton administration. Environmental groups fiercely opposed the WOPR. In creating the WOPR, the Bush adminstration disregarded Endangered Species Act consultation requirements (for posts on another Bush administration consultation action see here).

At least equally important, the WOPR and the critical habitat revision were tainted by the involvement of Julie MacDonald, the Bush-era Deputy Assistant Secretary found to have been "heavily involved in . . . reshaping scientific reports" despite her lack of a scientific background, among other things. Further, the WOPR's allowence of increased logging was in contrast to the majority of the 30,000 comments received and over 250 formal protests submitted.
Salazar's announcement included a promise to engage the community and follow legal process requirements in developing a new plan revision. This aspect of the announcement, at least, is welcomed by even timber industry representatives, some of whom joined a lawsuit based on concern that the WOPR was vulnerable to legal challenge. It is also yet another welcome change from the prior administration.

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